Ultherapy treatments and the added value of nitrous oxide sedation

Discover Ultherapy

Ultherapy is an advanced non-invasive cosmetic treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to rejuvenate and tighten the skin. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in deeper layers of the skin, naturally lifting and tightening it. With ultherapy, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity can be effectively treated without the need for surgical procedures.

The Benefits of Ultherapy

  • Non-invasive: no incisions, cuts, or injections required
  • No downtime: patients can quickly return to their daily activities
  • Long-lasting results: improvements continue to develop gradually as collagen continues to grow
  • Safe and FDA-approved: ultherapy is a proven and safe procedure

Why add nitrous oxide sedation?

Although ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment, some patients may still experience some anxiety or discomfort during the procedure. The idea of ultrasound energy reaching the skin can cause tension, especially for those with sensitive skin. Additionally, the treatment may also be perceived as relatively painful.

Here comes nitrous oxide sedation to the rescue. Nitrous oxide sedation is a safe and effective way to reduce anxiety and nerves during ultherapy treatments. By inhaling a combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide, patients feel relaxed and calm while remaining fully conscious.

The benefits of nitrous oxide sedation in ultherapy treatments include:

  • Anxiety reduction: patients experience less anxiety and nerves
  • Relaxation: nitrous oxide creates a sense of well-being and relaxation
  • Maintaining consciousness: patients remain alert and can communicate during the treatment

With nitrous oxide sedation, the patient's experience becomes even more comfortable, allowing them to fully benefit from the advantages of ultherapy without worrying about any discomfort.

An effective solution

By adding nitrous oxide sedation to ultherapy treatments, we offer our patients the perfect synergy of comfort and effectiveness. Our dedicated team of professionals is ready to make the treatment as pleasant as possible for you.

Experience the benefits of ultherapy, supported by nitrous oxide sedation, for a stress-free and satisfying skin rejuvenation experience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover how we can achieve your beauty goals with this unique combination.